Featured Plant: Magnolia

The quintessentially southern Magnolia varieties found along the trail remind us that the weather is getting warmer - filling the air with their distinctive smell and flooding branches with their flowers, reminiscent of tulips.

A number of varieties of Magnolia can be found along the trail - ranging from 10 to over 50 feet tall. These mostly evergreen trees are native to the southeastern and Caribbean area and bear some of the most beautiful blooms in the south.

Magnolias, named after French botantist Pierre Magnol, release their aroma depending on temperature, humidity, and the time of day or night.

Magnolia Grandiflora, Virginiana and other varieties are a part of the V&E Greenline Arboretum Project.


Where to find this plant

Many locations along the trail, as shown above across from the exercise station near Tutwiler.


The V&E Greenline counts on individuals like you to help keep the trail clean, safe, and enjoyable for everyone. Please join our community of supporters who play an essential role in caring for all of our essential trees, plants, and features along the trail.

Information provided by the Missouri Botanic Garden and Southern Living.